We provide web based tools to help you plan for retirement by modelling savings and forecasting retirement income, manage your portfolio of investments, and to help traders keep a journal for performance analysis and risk management.
Get StartedTo help you use this tool, we have developed a wizard to guide you through each step and task required to make the best use of this savings model. The tasks are grouped into four stages, as summarised below.
Before forecasting you will need to enter some information about yourself, your plans and your current savings and pensions.
Check whether your goals have the green light, and if not you can model various options, revise your plans accordingly, and take into consideration your other assets.
As you get more advanced you can, and may need, to look at how options such as equity release, downsizing, asset sales and how any debts or one off costs will impact your forecasts.
Once you've got a starting point you're happy with you'll probably need to give your plans the once over each year and tweak them depending on changes in your objectives and the performance of your investments.
Our portfolio management tools help you carry out performance analysis, asset allocation and tax planning for your portfolio of individual investments in bonds, shares, funds and property.
Analyse your portfolio capital returns and income yield across multiple dimensions. Track performance against objectives. Get latest prices from Alpha Vantage or IG Index.
Set targets and identify actions to rebalance your portfolio based on custom sector and geographic profile analysis. Forecast to help plan investments for any new money.
Track taxable gains and forecast term investments to help plan use of capital allowance. Estimate income tax due on interest, dividend and rental income, and tax relief on contributions.
Import transactions from your broker using our generic data import tools or use our custom import for AJ Bell Youinvest if you have an account with them.
Our trading tools provide you with a trading journal, performance analysis and risk management capabilities to help analyse and improve your trading performance.
Recording a Trading Journal for each of your trades, will help you analyse and learn from your trading experience. The journal can include comments, optional fields and trading signals which together tag your trades for performance analysis.
Analyse performance across multiple dimensions and against your objectives and rules. Use statistical analysis to assess your analytical skills, risk management and trading psychology. Use optimum trade analysis to model the benefits of changes to your money management rules.
Allows swing and longer term traders to manage the risk of their open positions, based on risk management rules. Provides a simple model of market price movements to forecast your position and exposure. See how your investment portfolio is hedged or leveraged by your trading position.
Import order and transaction history from your broker using our generic data import tools or use our custom imports for IG Index, MetaTrader 4, ETX Capital and TradeDirect365. Get latest prices, either from Alpha Vantage or using the IG Index API.
We are not financial advisers, nor do we make money from selling financial securities. Read our terms and conditions including the disclaimer and privacy statements before registering or using this site.
This site is owned and developed privately in the UK. It has been developed using the experience of managing investments since 1993 and trading futures since 2003. Since the site was hosted to the public in 2010, we have been working on continuous improvements up to 2018 when the tools were relaunched on a new technical platform that is responsive (i.e. works from your PC, tablet or phone) and is easier to use.